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Gigs are hard to do when there's no power......

So friday night I played with ol buddies from the band Chester. I packed my car with all my gear and I'm on the way to gig and I get a phone call from the drummer/vocalist Jeremy.

"Hey man. Not sure if the gig is happening tonight. There's no power" I replied.

"Ah I see. So did you want me to still come down to the venue" (It was still about an hour away)

"Hmm maybe just pull over and get a coffee and I'll call you back at 8"

I liased with the bass player David and we stopped and had a coffee and chatted for about half an hour. I hadn't seen him in a while and it was good to catch up. Dave and I got a phone call from Jeremy (or Jezza as we call him)

"There's still no power" he informs us. Which means the gig may or may not be on. We decided to bite the bullet as they say, and go down to the venue.

As soon as we showed up and walked into the venue, power miraculously came on like it was waiting for us to make an entrance!

Here's The Screaming Jets classic "Better" from the night at Broadbeach Tavern.

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